my view...

10 January 2013

1st week at TM Government Sales


  • 1st day in TM Government Sales, I meet Pn Siti Nurbaya Yahaya and also report myself to En Mohd Rozaimi Md Nor.
  • Introduce myself to all the staff in the department which is Government Sales.
  • Briefing and study about TM's product.
  • Today I am asigned under Pn Siti Nurbaya Yahaya is my supervisor.
  • Scan the paper to thumbdrive (step by step) (miss, Nur Fazarul)
  • They expose me to the system used by TM, package that TM provide and brief.

in department
machine for use for scan
use ufter scan


  •  2nd day in TM is Government Sales, I ask Pn Siti Nurbaya Yahaya and all staff what to do,or whether they require assistance.
  •  She brief some task report that I must prepare.
  • She give me some  customer data in government to update address. (billing bill). (schedule Address) 
  •   My job is to call all customer and make update address.( Communication Skills)
  •    In addition, my job is to arrange all the bills that have been printed, according to type of school. (ways to make filling)

bill government
after filling


  • 3rd day in TM Government Sale, Pn, Siti Nurbaya Yahaya give me some job preparing the Petty Cash Claim (financial). (Give some example to follow up).
  • Document printing and scanning. 
  •   And continue preparing calls for customers and  update the address.


bil for claim


  •  My job still continues, print and scan document. 
  • And continue preparing to call all customer and make update address.
  • Helping them in our work. 
webside tm for calling customer
master list for schools


  • My job still continues, print and scan document.  
  • And continue preparing to call all customer and make update address.
  •  Helping them in our work.

list name of school
list name tm

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